Make your own bug repellent with just a few simple ingredients. Homemade essential oil bug spray is perfect for summer fun and works to get rid of mosquitoes, gnats, flies, and ticks. Keep the bugs away while you enjoy your time outside! Use these homemade citronella candles for even mor...
Go cool, funny or scary with homemade Halloween costumes for toddlers, kids, men and women. Make any of these cheap and creative ideas with household items.
This homemade rose water spray is easy to make and beneficial for your skin. Spritz some on whenever your skin needs a refreshing boost!
The insecticidal soap is a very necessary component of our organic pest control this year. We are concerned about harming our ladybugs with the spray but thissourcesays that ladybugs and other beneficials will do okay, even if sprayed with organic soap solutions. Please let me know how you co...
These aphids have done some damage, but don’t spray if you see the black and orange alligator-like ladybug larvae attacking them. He will do the dirty work for you by eating up to 50 aphids daily! 5 Organic Pesticide Sprays for Insects ...
Ladybug's Daily Shower Cleaner by Jenni (Omaha, NE) Ingredients: 1 empty 32oz spray bottle 1 cup white vinegar 2 tbsp dishwasher rinse agent (aka Jet-Dry) 10-12 drops of favorite essential oil (optional)Add ingredients to bottle and fill bottle with water. Spray doors or curtain, all...
garden is a bad feeding ground. The soap also prevents mosquitoes from laying their eggs in the water. This method works best for a few affected plants. Go further by grinding some of the dead bugs and soapy water in a blender. Pour into a spray bottle and coat plants with the bug ...
Spray paint, glitter, feathers or whatever you want to decorate your wings with. 1. Bending the wire. Start by opening up your hangers: Tinkerbell has four wings, two pointy ones and two rounds ones, but you canmake yours any shape you want or just do two wings (way easier). So I ...
I spray my yard till the dirt is damp. This is where fleas lay their eggs. I do this about 2 weeks apart, and that is it for the summer. I also put a drop of lavender oil on the head of my dogs, as fleas don’t like the lavender oil. I put the oil on their heads, so ...
Spray paint the whole thing whatever color lego you want to be. (We chose our colors based on what color sweats and turtle necks we had on hand) Take a smaller box that will fit on top of their head snugly and hot glue one cottage cheese container and spray paint it the same color....