When it comes to irrigating your garden, a drip irrigation system can’t be beat. You can purchase a kit, buy separate pieces to assemble or try your hand at DIY drip irrigation for the garden. There are several types of DIY drip irrigation systems, none particularly challenging to assemble...
HOMEMADE SOAKER HOSES.Presents a technique for making a home made soaker hose for garden irrigations using plastic strips and threading the sides with a needle and running stitch.PengraLilahRodale's Organic Gardening
DIY solutions and homemade creations. Home improvement, recipes, garden tips, natural home remedies and more. Learn to do it better for less.
Spray both the top and bottom of the leaves, as well as other infected areas, with the mixture. Step 3 Repeat the steps every two days until the powdery mildew is no longer present. Step 4 Alternatively, mix 1 gallon of water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and add to a garden spra...
I’m a huge fan of container gardening, and I know I’m not alone. Urban and small-space gardening is on the rise,houseplantsare strutting their stuff all over Instagram, and few people have the time and energy to dedicate to a large in-ground garden these days. But with hundreds of ...
The benefits of composting extend beyond just waste reduction. When applied to soil, compost helps retain water, reducing the need for irrigation and making it a boon for both large-scale farms and home gardens. It also introduces essential nutrients and beneficial microorganisms to the soil, prom...
In one of my previous article which explained a simplesolar garden light circuit, we employed a single transistor for the switching operation. One disadvantage of the earlier circuit is, it does not provide a regulated charging for the battery, although it not might be strictly essential since ...