From the site, I reveals to you treatments and products that promote fast hair growth without expensive. I’m sure that you do not have to buy expensive hair growth products. It is very interesting to know that there are a wide range of natural homemade hair growthtreatments & ...
Directions: Mix together the ingredients then after washing hair, douse it thoroughly with the honey mixture. Dry as done normally, do not rinse the mixture out. Another treatment: 1/2 cup honey 2 to 4 TBS olive oil (use lesser amount for greasy hair) Directions: Mix together then massage...
Does your hair need some deep conditioning? Keep reading to learn how easy it is to make a homemade coconut oil hair mask! Every now and then, my hair loses its shine. I start getting more split ends, and it looks a big more fizzy. Over the years, I have tried expensive and inexpe...
I have tried every kind of homemade shampoo, treatment and conditioners going. I have been battling itchy scalp and hair loss for a very long time. My hair is super fine but I do not have dry or oily scalp. Finally, after many failed attempts, particularly in the use of oils on my ...
6. Homemade Hair Tonic With Parsley Seed And Rosemary Rosemary brings a particularly dramatic shine to the dark hair while parsley supposedly helps with the problem of lice. To make this homemade hair tonic, try following the method below: ...
Here is a nice stack of different recipes for making homemade laundry detergent that I’ve collected over the years. Do they work? Yes, I’ve had good luck with them. At the time I was using them, we had a relative who was in trade school living with us. Every day he was mechanic...
Get the beers in! Such a classic homemade conditioning treatment, it has been used basically forever. Dip the ends of your hair into a cup of it mid shower and rinse well. Shine and strength right there, my friends! Lemon Juice
Oil obtained fromolivesis a powerful hair treatment, providing deep moisture while protecting against UV damage. Its antioxidant-rich composition strengthens hair, boosts elasticity, and reduces split ends. It's especially effective for dry, coarse hair, leaving it soft and revitalized. Additionally, ...
Have you tried doing a coconut oil hair treatment?? I had the same problem I think its the damage done by the old shampoos. I smothered my hair in coconut oil the other night and wrapped my hair in plastic wrap and let it set for an hour and washed it out. And now my hair isn...
stale oils on the scalp. It also helps seal the hair shaft which gives a ‘shine’ effect to hair strands. In this hair oil infusion, it provides a refreshing scent and soothingly relaxed the scalp. Yes, you can distinctly smell the lime juice in this hair oil – it doesn’t fade ...