but a Chihuahuadog recipeshould be carefully crafted since your animal needs balanced nutrition, particularly if you own a puppy. Young Chihuahua food recipes should be specially formulated for the puppy stage, and asa small dogtype, this canine's homemade...
"Homemade Fod For Happy Dogs" unleashes 130 recipes for tasty treats and meals for your canine friend that are sure to have your dog salivating. You cook for yourself and your family, so don't ignore your most faithful of friends. "Homemade Food For Happy Dogs" will show you how to ...
I had a Chihuahua as a pet. I wanted to be the Taco Bell dog. I started this dog costume by trying to make the head out of paper Mache’. It burst and I made a mess in the kitchen. I went to the store and purchased four different size balls. I taped them all together and put...
I had to go a little over the top for the small details to make the outfit come together. First my ear plugs and the bone piercing these items were made of modeling clay, oven baked then painted with acrylic. The neck piece was made out of some rope I had lying around and the pende...