A well-balanced chicken feed needs minerals, fats,vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins. The greatest portion of any blend should be carbohydrates. Chickens require a high-carbohydrate diet, which they utilize as an energy store for activities like foraging and egg production. Protein is another cri...
Mixing Feed can be a challenging time-consuming ordeal. If you have picky chickens, they may pick out certain whole gains and waste feed. Homemade Chicken Feed Recipes I’ve been ordering a custom-mixed feed from the local feed mill for 2 years now. (It’s the whole grain, non-GMO re...
These homemade suet cakes are a simple way to add a little extra nutrition to your flock’s daily feed routine. It can help provide added protein and fats that are necessary for your chickens to grow feathers and keep warm during the winter. Do you feed extra treats to help keep your ...
For many chicken-keepers, the easiest and cheapest source of (non-soy) protein is split peas and field peas, which I would wholeheartedly use if my chickens actually ate legumes. (They’re 50/50 on them, so I usually modify their feed every few months to keep things interesting.) ...
Building a DIY chicken run offers numerous benefits, not only for your chickens but for you as well. Let's dive into the reasons why it's a great project to undertake: Safety: First and foremost, a chicken run provides a secure space that protects your chickens from predators and potential...
1.) I’d just use DE for your hens. That’s what a lot of people use for chickens and it will not hurt them at all if they eat it. 2.) Yes, you can put it on your plants, but again, I’d just use DE, as that’s what most people use for their plants/yards. DE can ...
Chickens Eating Eggs: 10 Ways to Stop or Prevent It January 20, 2022 · canderson· Feed & Health Most of us who are in the business of raising backyard poultry are doing it for the eggs. Am I right? When your chicken’s eating eggs, nobody wins. Read More How Snow in Chicken Pen...
When surfing the web, I came across a blog, The Chickens In the Road. This site has quite a few different recipes for Hamburger Helper but they did not have one for our favorite Beef Pasta.I decided to create a from scratch Hamburger Helper Beef Noodle version. As it turns out, it ...
My kids would love this, thanks for the recipe! Reply Patti Fiedler says: October 10, 2014 at 9:35 am I love this idea and hadn’t heard of doing this before. Yes, my horses and chickens wouldn’t approve if they knew I was doing this. I was wondering about adding a cinnamon ...
I have my reasons and they theirs. Young rabbits consume less feed, but I have a large family of large eaters, so I prefer a bit more meat at harvest and am willing to input more feed to get there. We also do all our own harvesting of both meat chickens and meat rabbits. It takes...