Even Karis was helping! Not quite. She looks a tad bit bored…;) We’ll have to let you know how it turns out in a few days, but for now, it is fermenting nicely on the counter. Our next cooking project together is bagels! You’ll have to visitWild Fermentationto understand the v...
And, Saturday: baking bagels (not my idea), a half-day project for which I’d had little hope but appreciated great reward. Turns out it is such a revelation to watch flour and water become bread, to bake something you never thought you wanted to try, to look at the homemade einkorn...
Get theChocolate Peanut Butter Hummus recipe. PHOTO: ERIK BERNSTEIN; FOOD STYLING: BARRETT WASHBURNE 28 Cinnamon Crunch Soft Pretzels These have a soft, pillowy inside with a chewy exterior and crunchycinnamon sugartopping, just like the iconic bagels fromPanera, and the sweet cream cheese frosting...
That was more trouble, but was the best chocolate dessert I’ve ever had. Ah memories. . . December 21, 2016 at 4:47 pm Reply Amy Ketchup (homemade might be a tasty red sauce, but it’s not ketchup); bagels (can’t compete with the real deal…maybe if I lived someplace ...
Your Daily Homemade Bread: Easy Stand Mixer Dough Recipes: Bagels, Rolls, and Sweet Treats (Volume 2): Volume two of the above series expands the horizons of easy homemade bread baking and gives you recipes for easyhomemade bagels, donuts, rolls, buns, and more. ...