Chugwater Wyoming Stage Stop Talk about going way back, this old photos shows the black hills Deadwood stage at the Swan Land and Cattle Co. CHUGWATER WYOMING. Before the train came through Chugwater folks stopped in the tiny town by walking, horse, carriage, or stage. Because of it's prox...
Farm Boy with come in with machinery oil, green cow manure, ground in dirt, liquid cattle feed, just to top a few of my challenges. I used to use all sorts of spot treatments and additives to get my fella clean. Then I started usin’ Tide and it gets everything out first time usu...
I have a lot of home-grown beef from our family’s herd of cattle, and if it would be traditional to use beef I can give it a try in an effort to come closer to Miro’s suggestion about dry-smoking and not heating it up before packaging. Thank you both – Ron Reply miro says:...