start a preventive spray program toaddress codling moths, the primary apple pest. For these voracious moths, timing is critical. Summer hosts two generations of these moths, each six weeks long, meaning that apple trees need continuous codling moth protection for 12 straight weeks. ...
Wondering if I should use a mixture of Neem and DE powder and add it to his leave-in conditioner, ResiSoothe, and add enough water to make it spray-able? Would that work at all? or how about just trying the Rose Geranium for fleas, has that worked for anyone? Reply Primally Inspired...
To use the essential oil bug spray, mist the mixture directly on your exposed skin. For your facial area, just spray some into the palms of your hands and then rub them on your face and hairline. Repeat this every few hours. Never use the essential oils neat (directly from the bottle)...