Spray the rose bushes to cover the leaves, stems and blooms. Spray the undersides of the leaves as well. Tip Spray once or twice per month during the growing season if your bug problem recurs in your rose bushes. You may need to spray the rose bush several times to get rid of the ...
Below I’ve listed various home remedies and solutions for control (along with some tidbits of information on their behavior and habits). Here’s a list of spray cleaner recipes you can try… Clean countertops and surfaces well with one of the cleaners below, these can also be used to spra...
These aphids have done some damage, but don’t spray if you see the black and orange alligator-like ladybug larvae attacking them. He will do the dirty work for you by eating up to 50 aphids daily! 5 Organic Pesticide Sprays for Insects If you have exhausted all these methods and feel ...
Click here for the recipe to our DIY Ant Killer(safe to use in a home with kids and pets!) We’ve used it for years and it works like a charm! Bug Bite Spray Ingredients For your convenience, I’ve included shop-able ad links to the supplies used to make our homemade itch spray....
Hot Pepper Garlic Spray To make an all-purpose homemade Japanese beetle killer, combine 2 tbsp. hot sauce or 2 coarsely chopped hot peppers and 2 cloves coarsely chopped garlic into a blender. Pour into 1 pint water. Put on the lid and blend for one to two minutes, until pureed. Strain...
In a spray bottle, combine a few drops of peppermint essential oil with 1 cup of water, shake well, and spray onto the skin. Sage and rosemary: If mosquitoes hover around your grill, place a few sprigs of rosemary or sage on top of the coals. Mosquitoes will be repelled by the ...
19. Homemade Weed Killer Warning, this stuff actually works, so keep it away from your lawn, flowers, and other plants. It will kill them, too! It's best used for sidewalk cracks or mulchy areas. If you spray it when the sun is out, it has an even better effect. Goodbye, weeds...
The Sprayer– A clean spray bottle (1 quart) or a garden sprayer will work. It really depends on how much you need to apply. DO NOT USE a weed-killer sprayer! The Insecticidal Soap Mix: Aim for 2% soap solution: For a 1 Gallon Solution: ...
To use the essential oil bug spray, mist the mixture directly on your exposed skin. For your facial area, just spray some into the palms of your hands and then rub them on your face and hairline. Repeat this every few hours. Never use the essential oils neat (directly from the bottle)...
Spray paint the whole thing whatever color lego you want to be. (We chose our colors based on what color sweats and turtle necks we had on hand) Take a smaller box that will fit on top of their head snugly and hot glue one cottage cheese container and spray paint it the same color....