Since 2016, We Are Mobilise has led direct giving and outreach programs to help people experiencing homelessness across Australia. Get involved today.
the number of women hospitalized due to partner assaultrose by 23%. In Australia, one woman is killed by a current or previous partnerevery nine days. A woman is hospitalized because of domestic violenceevery two hours.
ButUS research, investigating how homeless people use services over time, has shown that problems such as mental illness, addiction and poor health are confined to a minority of people, who experience long term and repeated homelessness. Similar findings have been reported in Australia and the UK...
The current specialist homelessness services system consists of some 1,500 agencies throughout Australia that support and house people seeking help due to homelessness. The system has increased in capacity from 202,500 clients and funding of A$383 million in 2008, to 290,300 clients and A$989....
Average savings of people earning A$600 a week. Source: Income and Housing, Australia, 2017-18 (Australian Bureau of Statistics), Authors' calculations Discover the latest in science, tech, and space with over100,000 subscriberswho rely on for daily insights. Sign up for ourfree ne...
In a park in the middle of a leafy, bohemian neighborhood where homes list for close to $1 million, a tractor's massive claw scooped up the refuse of the homeless - mattresses, tents, wooden frames, a wicker chair, an outdoor propane heater. Workers in m
Ahead of the royal wedding in May, the Conservative leader of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead council, urged Thames Valley police to use their powers to clear the area around Windsor Castle of its expanding population of homeless people.