ordinance, and how far away shelters can be located to count as “available,” among other unanswered questions. Burien has no year-round beds for single men, who make up the majority of those living unsheltered in the city; the nearest year-round men’s shelters are in Seattle and ...
The neighbors are like …‘No, put it somewhere else.’…Homelessness doesn’t just reside in Seattle, it’s a regional problem. And Seattle needs to not hold the majority of all shelters.” But, Washington added, getting other parts of ...
The Venn Diagram above shows that there are many overlaps. Some of the homeless have some hope and expectation of finding a place to live. These are mostly homeless who are not addicted to drugs or mentally ill. These constitute the majority of homeless who are living in organized shelters. ...
Putting homeless folks up in tiny houses, which would cost less than picking them up and putting them in shelters or hospitals or jails. If folks saw how tiny these tiny houses would be, they wouldn't feel jealous of someone else getting "something for nothing," either. You know what ...
“I will not vote to become a city that ignores the reality of people’s bodies existing in time and space. I will not vote to become a city that commits to future planning for shelters and housing while giving itself a pass to ban people now in the present. I will not vote to be...