Along with Franklin, Sundquist is part of the Mayors Innovation Project, a national network for mayors committed to shared prosperity, environmental sustainability and efficient government. During the group’s summer meeting in Tacoma, Washington, Sundquist drove to Everett to tour the city’s...
Pushback against hotel homeless shelters in King County has been prevalent for years, with similar complaints voiced by residents inRentonandRedmond. In the former, Renton City Council went so far as to pass a bill in 2020 to evict the residents of a homeless shelter housed inside a former R...
RENTON, Wash.-SinceCOVIDhit hard this spring, King County officials have used the Red Lion Inn in Renton as a homeless shelter in an attempt to prevent devastating outbreaks within homeless shelters in the county. And the good news is that is working. But officials in the ...
According to the migrants, DHS agents met the migrants as they were boarding the plane. The agents gave them false addresses of homeless shelters from all over the country—from Tacoma, Washington, to Florida—and told them to use those locations as their contact addresses. “According to the ...
The homeless point-in-time survey is based on counts at shelters and on the streets. While imperfect, it attempts to represent how many people are homeless at a given time. Those who work regularly with the homeless say it is certainly an undercount, although many advocates and officials ...
(ms burlingham and drs clifasefi and marlatt), and alcohol and drug abuse institute (drs lonczak and ginzler), university of washington, seattle; social work program, university of washington, tacoma (dr garner); and downtown emergency service center, seattle, washington (messrs malone, tanzer...
WSDOT explained the strategy in a recent letter to school parents, writing that when shelters aren’t a good match people hold out for options that meet their needs – which means they remain outdoors longer and simply spread into neighborhoods and start the process over again. "The hous...