The conversation has only just begun, the work to help and serve the poor and homeless is a continual mission in Ocean County, the Jersey Shore and beyond. According to the Monarch Housing Associates study, there was about 344 people a night, on average in 2020, experiencing homelessness in...
The conversation has only just begun, the work to help and serve the poor and homeless is a continual mission in Ocean County, the Jersey Shore and beyond. According to the Monarch Housing Associates study, there was about 344 people a night, on average in 2020, experiencing homelessness in...
Push to Sweep Homeless into Shelters in Miami Ignites DebateMcGrory, Kathleen
Despite more beds becoming available due to the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions in shelters, 40% of those experiencing homelessness overall were unsheltered in 2023, according to the 2023 estimates. And more than half of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness in the U.S. were ...
Miami Beach initiative encourages people experiencing homelessness to use services, sheltersThe mayor, commissioners, police chief and leaders of Miami Beach homeless outreach said Operation Summer Relief will deliver an extra boost of resources offered, including access to shelters.Jul 30,...
Lured by the promise of jobs created by the oil and gas boom, Mario Solano left his home in Miami to travel to a new life in the center of it all - North Dakota. At first, Solano found temporary jobs driving trucks for oil and gas companies. Eventually,
“chosen” a homeless lifestyle. Yes, there are women, youth and others fleeing violent or otherwise very difficult life circumstances. Yes, there are some with severe mental or substance use disorders who have no other alternative to the streets or homeless shelters. If given the “choice” ...
Recipients include the Chapman Partnership in Miami, Florida; Community Services & Employment Training in Visalia, California; Homeless Alliance in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Housing First Inc. in Mobile, Alabama; Ka Hale A Ke Ola Homeless Resources Centers Inc. in Wailuku, Hawaii; Oglala Sioux...