Rochester, NY American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology Inc1999; 20. Eggleston PA Inner-city allergen recognition. Sheffer ALBusse WWEggleston PPlatts-Mills TAESears MRWeiss KBeds. Fatal Asthma. New York, NY Marcel Dekker Inc1998;59- 74Google Scholar 21. Platt-Mills TAEArruda LKCarter ...
Petrovitch and Navarro present feedback from social work and nursing students who participated in an innovative inter- professional education activity conducted at a day shelter serving people experiencing homelessness. Siegel and colleagues present the conceptual underpinnings of an interdisciplinary, inter...
(2000). Parenting in public: Family shelter and public assistance. NY: Columbia University Press. Google Scholar Garcia Coll, C., Buckner, J. C., Brooks, M. G., Weinreb, L. F., & Bassuk, E. L. (1998). The developmental status and adaptive behavior of homeless and low-income ...
Keywords: homelessness;homeless shelter;subsidized housing programs;affordable housing;transitional housing;Homeless Management Information System (HMIS);Rapid Rehousing Program;Housing Urban Development;urban planning;poverty