Census Bureau, current population reports: Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education. (2009). Overview of the McKinney-Vento homeless children and youth ...
The homeless population in America is growing every year and a few years ago I lived in an area that seemed to have many homeless men and women walking the streets. As I took my daily walks I would see them, say hi, help them out with food and water or even blankets in the winter...
housing first (HF)poverty managementneoliberalismpaternalismHousing First (HF) is the new orthodoxy when dealing with the small, long-term, visible and recalcitrant fraction of the greater homeless population. Unlike more traditional, "treatment first" models that expect "self-sufficiency" before ...
For example, Munson et al (2018) identi- fied three distinct types of illness narratives in a population of young adults with mental health histories who had been involved in public systems of care (n = 40) – overwhelmed, integrated, and distanced. Individuals with an overwhelmed ...