Homeless People Live in Tunnels Under Las Vegas Fortunes are won and lost in Las Vegas all the time. But the city itself has been on the losing end of the foreclosure crisis. The city's homeless population has grown from nearly 12,000 two years ago to nearly 14,000 today. Yet there a...
Former pornstar Jenni Lee (aka Stephanie S.) is homeless and living in Las Vegas tunnels among mole people. Posted by Abdul
“One time I was there for six days; I almost lost a finger,” Flanders said, holding up the index finger that had been warped from a deep infection, as he started to tear up. Despite the risks, Flanders said, he still felt safer living in the tunnels than aboveground. La...
In 1993, Jennifer Toth wrote a controversial book about homeless people living in subterranean New York. TitledThe Mole People: Life in the Tunnels Beneath New York City, the booktells the storyof what Toth estimates are thousands of people dwelling in abandoned subway tunnels beneath the Big Ap...