Homeland security as a vocational paradigm is unique. Rather than being simply a field of study or discipline itself,it encompasses several major disciplines as part of its scope. This iswhy “homeland security” is hard to describe, and is often referred to as an “enterprise”. The complexit...
Tighter security rules keep suspects from flying Following the 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt, security rules were tightened on U.S.-bound flights; these rules now prevent not only known terrorists from boarding such flights, but also those who received weapons training, recruited others, fough...
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border security, disaster preparedness, federal law enforcement training, biological warfare defense, and computer incident response find themselves under the same cabinet official. This arrangement has not enhanced the government’s competence. Americans...
security training who can go into conflict zones to do contact tracing, build trust in communities experiencing conflict, and work effectively with foreign governments at the local, regional, and national level. As president, I’ll launch this Global Health Security Corps to ensure that we can ...
News, concepts, and opinions on emergency management and homeland security topicsPrimary Menu Home Professional Background Some Call Me Tim Taking the ReinsFebruary 22, 2025 Leave a comment Through the past several years of my blog, the central theme of my posts has really been to ask ‘why?
at young age to basically do a governments bidding. People who are “off the grid” but still it that way because it’s in some official capacity. What we got was heavily dramatized, but in real life so many have gotten it worse to be simply forgotten in the name of national security...
so wouldn’t have to travel). I was told that TelexGlobal was a separate training company not directly tied to TelexFree, the event was open to the general public, and that other speakers would be covering various generic topics not specific to TelexFree. There was no discussion of me being...
Many of these training opportunities are directed at public sector entities who work in security-critical fields, such as law enforcement, emergency response, crisis man- agement, or transportation (Shapiro et al. 2019). But an increasing number also address private sector entities and ...
security of buildings, access controls in cargo- handling and storage areas, employee screening and security training, manifest procedures, and conveyance security.53 One of C-TPAT's strengths is that it is a voluntary program that relies on incentives. In exchange for embracing measures to ...