*”The inspector general for the Department of Homeland Security estimated this week that about 3.6 million people a year were still passing through customs without the required documents, and that about half of those were coming through the border crossings in Texas.” ...
SecuritySolutionsWatch.com features thought leadership about AI, Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Robotics and Physical Security with 1st page Google Rankings for
As governor, Noem joined other Republican governors who sent National Guard troops to Texas to assist in Operation Lone Star, which sought to discourage migrants. The decision was met with particularly harsh criticism because Noem covered most of the deployment cost...
Texas Lawmakers Attempt to Ban TSA Full Body Scanners US Homeland Security postpones Real ID deadline After touching your junk, TSA wants to harvest your DNA Microsoft says phone update failed 1 in 10 users Verizon, Intrado 0ffer next-gen 911 US looking at inbound mail security delays...
Noem joined other Republican governors who sent National Guard troops to Texas to assistOperation Lone Star, which sought to discourage migrants. Her decision was especially criticized because she accepted a $1 million donation from a Tennessee billionaire tocover...
Rick Perry announced at Texas Health Presbyterian that “Professionals on every level of the chain of command know what to do to minimize this potential risk to the people of Texas and this country,” mutated over the following week to amessagefrom a Border Control agent in the Rio Grande ...
SecuritySolutionsWatch.com features thought leadership about AI, Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Robotics and Physical Security with 1st page Google Rankings for
Cohen dredged up the case of El Hage and Moataz Al-Hallak to illustrate his argument about guilt by association. He recalled that prosecutors tried to suggest there was a money-laundering conspiracy involving El Hage and Al-Hallak, a Texas-based imam whom he represented last week during quest...
Texas Lawmakers Attempt to Ban TSA Full Body Scanners US Homeland Security postpones Real ID deadline After touching your junk, TSA wants to harvest your DNA Microsoft says phone update failed 1 in 10 users Verizon, Intrado 0ffer next-gen 911 US looking at inbound mail security delays...