While cameras can be mounted on police cars or at fixed location, the scanning in the city of Los Angeles of about 3 million plates per week before the recent pandemic take up a range of information that predominantly includes law-abiding drivers, but allows should allow many to have a mono...
SecuritySolutionsWatch.com features thought leadership about AI, Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Robotics and Physical Security with 1st page Google Rankings for
6) Brody still has security clearance. If “Homeland” were real and it was ever revealed that Abu Nazir had orchestrated the death of the vice president, when various members of the intelligence community were called in for a hearing in front of a Senate committee, some of the senators wou...
see 'Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation and Security between NATO and the Russian Federation signed in Paris, France', 27 May 1997, https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm Novorossiya… For example, he referred to it in his marathon annual Direct Line phone...
- The security chain on the door to our room locked itself from the inside after we left the room, so we could not get in when we got back. Had to wait 15-20min for staff to open the chain from the outside, then had to wait another 30-40min for a repairman to replace the ...
SecuritySolutionsWatch.com features thought leadership about AI, Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Robotics and Physical Security with 1st page Google Rankings for