Homeland premiered on Showtime on October 2, 2011, and lasted for eight seasons, 12 episodes each. It's hard to talk about the show without spoiling anything, keeping viewers in suspense from the first moments. Homeland concentrates on the US war on terror and has won eight Primetime Emmy...
Thankfully the greatest love story no one ever wanted to be a love story is not the focus of the first two episodes, which illustrate the power and punch Homeland can still muster when freed from its more Hallmark-ian tendencies. By Willa Paskin FULL REVIEW 40 The New York Times Sep...
Alternately, all 96 episodes that make upHomeland’s entire run are available directly through Showtime. The series’ network offers a free week before the $11 monthly charges kick in. Also, over at Amazon, viewers can choose to add on Showtime through their Prime Video Channels. (Non-Prim...
The junior analyst who has been recovering in the hospital for the last few episodes came back, which basically means he is the mole. Previously I would have said “Homeland” wouldn’t do anything so obvious, but I can no longer say that, because, like, among other things, this episode...
Daniel Craig addresses Queer's divisive ending Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on this site. Some Cookies are necessary to make this site and our content available to you; these Cookies fire automatically and are not subject to your preference settings....
At least these well-acted scenes provide the simplest pleasure of finally putting together the jigsaw puzzle that the writers have been teasing over the last several episodes. “All About Allison” closes with Carrie finally making the connection that Allison so desperately sought to cover up: The...
For the uncertainties of drone targeting provide a recurrent theme in the episodes of the first four seasons ofHomeland, as if to orient viewers to the landscape of the War on Terror, where any place is invested with instability as a site of potential terror attack. We move at the margins...
Will we see him again in later episodes? –J Ausiello: Although Allen’s originally planned third appearance, in Episode 20, has been scrapped in favor of filming an actual pilot for The Flash, EP Andrew Kreisberg says, “What happened in Central City at the end of [the fall finale] ...
How to watch Homeland season 8 free online in the UK The bad news for Homeland fans in the UK is that new season 8 episodes are aired a week behind the US. But the glass quickly becomes half-full, because it's shown on Channel 4 each week on Sunday nights at 9pm GMT (or 10pm...
Some have argued that “Homeland” looked to have been following that path: a terrific first season, before two that felt increasingly like the show was scrabbling for ideas, even if isolated scenes or even episodes remained of the same high quality. But things have changed: after the death...