Homebridge-mqtt-humidity是一个运行在Homebridge上的插件,它可以将MQTT协议设备中的湿度传感器集成到Apple的HomeKit生态系统中。通过此插件,用户可以使用Siri语音助手监测和控制室内湿度。 1.Homebridge-mqtt-humidity安装方法 要安装homebridge-mqtt-humidity插件,首先您需要安装Node.js和Homebridge。安装完成后,在终端中输入...
我们需要使用插件来让Homebridge来支持MQTT设备. 首先我们登陆Web管理页面,在上方插件页面中,搜索安装Mqttthing插件. 然后点击插件卡片上的设置按钮来配置我们的设备. 首先我们现选择设备的类型. 然后在MQTT Settings里面填写MQTT服务器的信息. 在MQTT Topic里面,把对应属性的对应主题填写进去. 注意,不用全部填满. 然后后...
Homebridge-mqtt is a Plugin for Homebridge. The design is based on MVC pattern, have a look athomebridge-mvc. Homebridge-mqtt is a dynamic Plugin that allows you to add and control accessories from a "Bridge" or "Device" with a mqtt API.Node-REDis the perfect platform to use with homebr...
a working setup of Homebridge a working setup of zigbee2mqtt How to use it Using the Homebridge config-ui-x go to the Plugin Config and setup or confirm the MQTT configuration. You can also define if a zigbee2mqtt switch device should be exposed like a light or an outlet instead of a...
A remote using http commands to control a hunter ceiling fan via a tasmotized sonoff rfbridge for homebridge written in Typescript. Latest version: 1.0.6, last published: a year ago. Start using homebridge-mqtt-ceiling-fan-remote in your project by runni
sudo npm install -g homebridge-mqtt-humidity-tasmota Sample HomeBridge Configuration (complete) { "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge", "username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:30", "port": 51826, "pin": "031-45-154" }, "description": "This is an example configuration file. You can use this ...
UNPKG homebridge-mqttthing Version: Homebridge plugin supporting various services over MQTThomebridge-mqttthing / run.sh 3 lines (2 loc) • 46 B Plain Text View Raw 1 2 3 #export DEBUG=* homebridge -U test -D -I -P .
homebridge-mqttthing/config.schema.json Version: 98.5 kBJSONView Raw 1 { 2 "pluginAlias": "mqttthing", 3 "pluginType": "accessory", 4 "schema": { 5 "type": "object", 6 "properties": { 7 "type": { 8 "type": "string", 9 "title": "Type", 10 "description":...
Magic MQTT Button for HomeKit (Homebridge): The purpose of this project is to use the low-cost ESP8266 module to create a "Magic Switch" that can integrate with various home automation solutions such as Node-red, Home Assistant, Apple HomeKit (using Home