At the same time, Google Cloud SDK works just fine with the Python 3.9 provided by Command-Line Tools which are assumed to be present. In reality,gcloudis a shell script that probes Python executables: python3has the highest precedence: 3.13 by Homebrew (skipped) and 3.9 by Command-Line To...
To update Google Cloud SDK to the latest version, run the following command: gcloud components update To install additional components, run the following command: gcloud components install[component] For example, to install the App Engine extension, run the following command: ...
I'm not sure whether this is due to the homebrew recipe or the install script for google-cloud-sdk Seeing as webasically run the script, it’s either the latter (and should be reported upstream) or an oddity in your setup. vitorgalvaoclosed this ascompletedDec 17, 2020 ...
aws-elasticbeanstalk giflib mdp sceptre aws-sdk-cpp gimme megatools schema-evolution-manager awscli git-annex memcached schismtracker azure-cli git-archive-allmenhir scrcpy b2-tools git-extras mercurial selenium-server-standalone babel git-ftp meson sfk babl git-lfs metabase shairport-sync bacula-fd... CODING & PROTOTYPING Arduino IDE PlatformIO Espressif ESP SDK Micropython Lua Basic Visuino Fl-prog ArduBlock MicoJS MOBILE PHONE INTEGRATION EXTENSION CONNECTOR i2c, SPI, UART, ADC, i2s, LED out, MCP23017 GPIOs ...
homebrew主要分两部分:git repo(位于GitHub)和二进制bottles(位于bintray),这两者在国内访问都不太顺畅。可以替换成国内的镜像,git repo国内镜像比较多: 提供二进制镜像的中科大镜像 替换Homebrew默认源 代码语言:javascript 复制 # 替换homebrew-core.git:cd"$(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core"git...
在我们使用 brew install 安装软件包的时候,通常有两种方式,一种是将代码下载到本地并完成构建,另一种则是直接下载安装包的二进制文件(Bottles)。 正常情况下,后者的速度都要优于前者,毕竟你不用再进行一次构建工作。 如何配置 Homebrew Bottles 镜像呢? CODING & PROTOTYPING Arduino IDE PlatformIO Espressif ESP SDK Micropython Lua Basic Visuino Fl-prog ArduBlock MicoJS MOBILE PHONE INTEGRATION EXTENSION CONNECTOR i2c, SPI, UART, ADC, i2s, LED out, MCP...
Not sure if this is the right place for this but the google-cloud-sdk is broken under default situations. It broke when after installing python@3.9 and is I tried reinstalling to fix and now it can't be installed. I'm pretty sure this is because of python@3.9 being the default and ...
/opt/homebrew/Library/Homebrew/brew.rb (Cask::CaskLoader::FromAPILoader): loading google-cloud-sdk Output ofbrew doctorandbrew config brew doctor Error: Unexpected method'appcast'called on Cask adoptopenjdk8. Follow the instructions here: ...