必应词典为您提供Home-Warranty-Insurance的释义,网络释义: 住宅保证保险;房屋保修保险;
If you own a house or plan to buy one, a home warranty and home insurance can both offer financial protection. Ahomeowners insurance policycan protect your home's structure and personal belongings from an unforeseen peril or event. On the other hand, a home warranty provides repair or replace...
Home Warranty每年平均保费$600,加上Deductible平均$75,虽说加起来差不多快$700,但依然要比维修费便宜的多。要知道美帝人工很贵,普通修理电器维修人员一次上门检测费用至少$100,维修费材料费另算;如果你有了Home Warranty,保修公司替你付维修费用(首先你自己得承担一部分,其余部分保修公司出),如果电器坏到无法修理的...
首先,让我们澄清一下:Home Warranty和房屋保险(House/Fire Insurance)是两种完全不同的东西。后者是强制性的,尤其是如果你有贷款买房,银行会要求你购买。即使你全款买房,也建议在交易完成时购买,就像买车险一样重要。这完全是买家自己的责任,需要自己花钱购买。 Home Warranty主要是为了覆盖房屋内的电器。通常,我会在...
Home insurance and home warranties, while similar, are frequently mixed up. Each protection plan serves to alleviate financial hardship and offer peace of mind. However, it’s important to understand the difference between homeowners insurance vs a home warranty to make sure you’re covered for ...
Home Warranty与Home Insurance不同,后者是房屋保险,保障房屋在遇到天灾人祸时的重建费用。Home Warranty则主要针对日常维修问题。 🏡 购买Home Warranty的情况主要有以下三种: 买房时,买家经纪会在offer里写明,卖家需要为买家购买一年的Home Warranty(价值通常在1000美元以内)。这样买家在拿到房子后,一年内可以使用Home...
“房屋保险”(Home Insurance)是针对由于意外原因产生的对于房屋主体和人身财产造成的损失的一种保障。而“房屋保修”(Home Warranty)是针对可消耗性房屋设备的损坏的一种保障,即无论是出于主观还是客观原因造成的设备损坏,“房屋保修保险”均提供维修或更新服务,简单来说,是一种有限制的延长保修计划。
key takeaways home warranties cover normal wear and tear of interior home components, such as appliances and built-in systems, while homeowners insurance steps in when your home or property is damaged due to a qualifying event. a home warranty can provide financial protection if you don’t ...
How much is home warranty insurance?+- Home insurance, also called homeowner's insurance, differs from a home warranty. Home insurance rates vary widely by state and home size, but you can expect to pay anywhere from $450 to $4,000 per year, per home. On average, Americans spend about...
A home warranty may sound like a great form of protection against expensive, unforeseen home repairs, but is it worth it?