晨起偶口苦 眼屎多 牙龈出血- 24-09-30舌淡暗苔白腻 右脉细滑 左脉浮细滑数 容易上火 大便不成型(晨起口苦眼屎多)休息不好太阳穴痛,眼睛昏,双眼睛充血,胆囊点压痛拳头大范围-柴胡 脂肪肝轻度近一年;胆结石15*6.6mm;胆囊壁毛糙;【处方】:炒麦芽,郁金,木香,鸡内金,厚朴,甘草,山楂,海金沙,...
夜里醒2-3次,梦特多,腹胀吃的不多没反应(不敢吃得多不好消化);今天喉咙轻微干痛,心口闷消失,右脉细数滑 左脉浮紧略滑 舌淡白滑 心率79-85;血氧97;月经22-28结束,量前2天多少量血块,眼干少很多-前方+安神丸 24-10-14腹胀易饱不
For Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Other Related Conditions CONTACT US Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center of Florida OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER (OCD) Anxiety Disorders Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Depression About Us The Anxiety and OCD Treatment Center of Florida is a private practice sp...
处方记录 2023-12-18 19:40:14【主诉】:【处方】:黄芪,白术,党参,黄连,清半夏,炙甘草,陈皮,茯苓,泽泻,防风,羌活,独活,柴胡,白芍,生姜,大枣,当归,川芎,厚朴,紫苏叶,刘L, 2023-12-18 19:40:10【主诉】:【处方】:白薇,细辛,防风,党参,花椒,白蔹,肉桂,川牛膝,秦艽,紫苏叶,北沙参,白芍,五味子,僵蚕,牡丹...
The current study sought to understand better the psychological characteristics of socially anxious individuals who seek information on the internet about social anxiety disorder and its treatment. Participants were 434 individuals who responded to an internet-based survey linked to the website of an anx...
stopheadaches. This home remedy is popularly used in 1980s and it has lots of benefits for your health including treating migraine pain and preventing further health problems. This natural herb contains some properties that are similar to aspirin and you can believe in this treatment to stop ...
At-home brain stimulation therapy can safely and effectively treat severe to moderatedepression, a new clinical trial shows. Rates of treatment response anddepressionremission were three times higher in people receiving the noninvasive brain stimulation, researchers said. ...
Schizonepeta, or better known as Japanese catnip in common name and Jing Jie in Chinese name, is a medicinal herb that is frequently used for the treatment of common cold and nettle rash clinically. In addition, its green buds are also one of highly regarded pediatric sedatives. This herb ...
and is a major problem in modern society. The economic burden is remarkable and includes treatment costs, reduced productivity and job-related problems. It has a high prevalence around the world and has also been associated with many other conditions such as headaches, dizziness, anxiety, and dep...
Several patients have had a reduced quality of life, become physically poorer, and have struggled with anxiety and depression. More use of drugs in vulnerable patients. Several patients had to be admitted to hospitals because they could not eat and drink enough, when they did not sit with ...