"Home-Thoughts,fromAbroad"isRobertBrowning'smost prestigiousshortlyricpoemwritteninItalyin1845.HewaslivinginItalyatthattime,buthishometownwasinEngland,whichwashisdreamingplace.ItdescribedatypicalsceneintheEnglishcountrysideinthepoet'smemorywhenhesawthecomingspringofItaly.Analysis Oh,tobeinEnglandTrimeter Nowthat...
Spring, this poem suggests, is a time of joy, not just because it fills the world with the beauty of new life, but because that new life can always be counted on to return, over and over. Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis of “Home-Thoughts, from Abroad” Lines 1-4 "Home-Thought...
Home-Thoughts, From Abroad (Robert Browning) 热度: 勃朗宁的Home Thoughts from Abroad 热度: RobertBrowning Home-Thoughts,fromAbroad 01 Poet Background 02 Analysis 03 Theme 04 Translation 05 C O N T E N T S RobertBrowning Born:May7th,1812inLondon ...
population. As works like Forster’s A Passage to India show, the British abroad in the colonies (such as India) worked much harder at being British than their compatriots in London. Thus in this period, sentimental thoughts of the English countryside, such as the ones in this poem, hardly...
"Home-Thoughts,fromAbroad"isRobertBrowning'smost prestigiousshortlyricpoemwritteninItalyin1845.HewaslivinginItalyatthattime,buthishometownwasinEngland,whichwashisdreamingplace.ItdescribedatypicalsceneintheEnglishcountrysideinthepoet'smemorywhenhesawthecomingspringofItaly.Analysis Oh,tobeinEnglandTrimeter Nowthat...
1、Home Thoughts from Abroad 异域乡思Oh, to be in England now that April's there, 哦,英格兰此时正值四月And whoever wakesin England sees,some morningunaware, 那里,清晨醒来,无论谁,都会在不经意间看到That the lowest boughs and the brushwood sheaf 那低垂的树枝和浓密的灌木丛Round the elm-tree ...
"Home-Thoughts,from Abroad" is Robert Browning's most prestigious short lyric poem written in Italy in 1845. He was living in Italy at that time, but his hometown was in England, which was his dreaming place. It described a typical scene in the English countryside in the poet's memory ...
Home-Thoughts,fromAbroadOh,tobeinEnglandNowthatApril’sthere,AndwhoeverwakesinEnglandSees,somemorning,unaware,ThatthelowestboughsandthebrushwoodsheafRoundtheelm-treeboleareintinyleaf,WhilethechaffinchsingsontheorchardboughInEngland-now!海外乡思 ••••••••啊,但愿此刻身在英格兰,趁这四月天...
In conclusion, "Home Thoughts, From Abroad" is a masterpiece by Robert Browning that captures the essence of nostalgia and the longing for home. The poem's structure, with its two stanzas and musical quality, adds to the sense of unity and longing. The use of vivid imagery and literary ...