在AndroidManifest.xml文件中注册 App Widget Provider。 <receiverandroid:name=".MyAppWidgetProvider"><intent-filter><actionandroid:name="android.appwidget.action.APPWIDGET_UPDATE"/></intent-filter></receiver> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 以上就是将 Android 应用添加到主屏幕的完整步骤。需要...
On Android, you can create shortcuts to Add a new task or Search directly from the home screen. To add a shortcut, you’ll first need to add To Do to your Home screen. To do this just: Open All Apps Touch and drag the To Do app to the desired position Once it’s p...
在appwidget-provider中通过android:configure定义配置的java类ConfigBirthDayWidgetActivity,这是个普通的activity,须要在AndroidManifest.xml中进行说明,并支持响应APPWIDGET_CONFIGURE action。AndroidManifest.xml的代码片段例如以下: <activity android:name=".ConfigBirthDayWidgetActivity" android:label="配置生日小工具"> <...
Important: This feature is only available for Android devices. On your Android device, you can pin Keep notes on your home screen as widgets. You can also add a widget that allows you to create new n
The Managed Home Screen is the application used for corporate-owned Android Enterprise dedicated devices and fully managed user affiliated devices enrolled via Intune and running in multi-app kiosk mode. For these devices, the Managed Home Screen acts as the launcher for other approved apps to run...
On Galaxy Z Fold6, you can choose whether to have your two displays mirror each other or function separately. For greater personalization, consider turning off the cover screen mirroring feature so you can independently adjust your smartphone and tablet home screens. As you scroll through the home...
Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_ON: // 开屏状态 Intent.ACTION_SCREEN_OFF:// 锁屏状态 Intent.ACTION_USER_PRESENT:// 手机系统解锁 Note:需要特别注意的是,是否锁屏状态,需要单独判断一下,方法不唯一,我只给出一种实现方式,代码如下: PowerManager manager=(PowerManager)mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE)...
View content from your Android mobile device on your TV when you cast your Android screen. This feature is only available on devices running Android 8.0 or later. Step 1. Get started To help mak
<action android:name=”android.intent.action.CREATE_SHORTCUT” /> ,标识这个Activity可以支持在Home Screen上添加快捷方式。Launcher Shortcuts 是采用的是activity-alias,activity-alias为Target的别名,类似于Activity. 2.添加相应用户添加快捷方式的代码,一般在Activity的onCreate方法中为Activity安装快捷方式: ...
Managed Home Screen (MHS) is an Android application used on devices enrolled into Intune as Android Enterprise dedicated and fully managed user affiliated devices. It offers the ability to customize and control the user experiences on enrolled devices and allows organizations to accomplis...