More and more families in the United States are choosing homeschooling as a positive choice for their child's education. Tennessee is an example of this trend, with the number of homeschooled children growing every year. Navigate the wealth of information on homeschooling in Tennessee as you ...
Home Schooling in Tennessee - Basic Information This summary is provided by the Tennesse Department of Education. Tennessee Home Education Association (THEA) THEA is a volunteer organization of home schooling parents, who chose to accept no government funds and desire no government oversight of their...
From Dolly Parton to Pat Summit and less famous women in between, Dykeman walks you through a series of role models. Continue reading » Posted in An Infinite Variety, homeschooling, Wilma Dykeman Tagged An Infinite Variety, feminist book, Tennessee Woman, Wilma Dykeman Leave a comment Dec...
It was difficult to homeschool in Tennessee at the time, so my father decided to make things better on his own. He started a group called the Tennessee Association of Homeschooling, and our family began a homeschool book business. To run away from home life, my dad would let me go ...
WTHEA is a chapter of THEA (Tennessee Home Education Association), a state-wide organization that helps to ensure that homeschooling in Tennessee stays legal. We serve 18 counties in West Tennessee: Benton, Carrol, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson...
Public libraries around the country are finding new ways to serve the growing population of homeschoolers through physical spaces and creative programs catered to homeschooling families’ needs. This article takes a look at what libraries in Illinois, Colorado, and Tennessee are doing to meet the ...
This is a mailing list for people who home school or are thinking of homeschooling in Mississippi, kids and parents alike. Here you can exchange ideas, support each other, and share resources and information. Tennessee Homeschool Umbrella Schools ...
The American College Testing (ACT) is one of the standardized tests many colleges and universities in the United States accept Forms for Homeschool Students There are a number of forms you may need for your child when homeschooling them in Tennessee. Below are some ...
Piano technician Jedin Bianchi was certified by the American School of Piano Tuning in early 2013 while living in Tennessee. Later that year, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona, and started Bianchi Piano. His business focuses on piano tuning, pitch raising, and other piano repairs for homes, ...
The study describes a qualitative collective case study regarding the possibility of homeschool participation in public school extracurricular activities in West Tennessee. Literature exists on extracurricular activities but not on the effect on the homeschooled student specifically. The research questions ad...