英[ˈhəʊmˌskuːl] 网络在家自学的;在家上学;家庭教育 第三人称单数:homeschools现在分词:homeschooling过去式:homeschooled 英英 网络释义 v. 1. toeducateyourchildrencompletelyathomeinsteadofinaschool 例句 释义: 全部,在家自学的,在家上学,家庭教育 ...
读音:美英 home schooled基本解释 家庭学校 分词解释 home家 schooled受过教育的,受过训练的 home schooled是什么意思 home schooled怎么读 home schooled在线翻译 home schooled中文意思 home schooled的解释 home schooled的发音 home schooled意思是什么 home schooled怎么翻译 home schooled的中文翻译 home schooled的意思...
(redirected fromhomeschooled) home·school (hōm′sko͞ol′) v.home·schooled,home·school·ing,home·schools v.tr. To instruct (a pupil, for example) in an educational program outside of established schools, especially in a home.
Homeschooling is a practice in which children are not sent to school but instead learn at home under their parents' supervision. The present research examined how children who were homeschooled, co...doi:10.1080/03055698.2019.1668258Ari Neuman...
school today or the nosy cashier who wants to quiz them on their maths levels. And it is quite common for homeschooled kids to be part of cooperation, to take classes outside the home with other homeschooled kids, or to participate in sports, providing them with plenty of occasions to ...
An evaluative study of the academic achievement of homeschooled students versus traditionally schooled students attending a Catholic University 'One of my favorite spaces in our house is our homeschool classroom,' she said. LOOK: Chesca Garcia's homeschool classroom in dream house Among them are ...
Q:homeschool是什麼意思 A:It means that someone is schooled at home. There are strict rules about how this is done. The child doesn’t go to school but is taught at home, usually by a parent 查看更多回答 Q:Would you ever want tohomeschoolyour kids?是什麼意思 ...