【Totally Accurate Battle Simulator】 本介绍基于V2.0版本 所有评测皆基于本人角度,如有错误请及时提出。 sweety5526 16:03 3280 【娱乐】尝试通过地图细节对TABS的世界观产生一些考究和猜想 楔形映画 【娱乐】尝试通过地图细节对TABS的世界观产生一些考究和猜想 sweety5526 16:01 1 旗手和将军等只有第一...
If you want to take your board game with friends to the next level, go to Steam and look for the "Tabletop Simulator." It is an application where players could use the virtual counterparts of real-life objects in the game like the table, boards, and even cards. It's...