orange, grapefruit or lime juice and water to spray on the outside of trash cans and inside the lids. As you add bags to the can, spritz the tops. Reapply the citrus spray around the outside of the cans after a rainfall if the can is outdoors and exposed to rain. Alternatively,...
Warning:As you are using fire at night when applying this home remedy to trap fleas, you should be extra cautious. You may like to stay awake till all the candles get extinguished. Also, do not let your pets and children roam freely when you have laid a trap with soapy water and lit ...
Insects are easily repelled by strong odors and tastes. Using natural ingredients, such as garlic, cilantro and hot chili peppers, can be very effective against controlling insects as well as repelling snails, slugs and small mammals. For a garlic spray, add five to six crushed garlic cloves ...
Fresh leaves are rubbed on the skin to repel mosquitoes. The entire plant repels rabbits and deers which would protect your garden. 17 Shares Share Tweet Pin Leave a Comment Caution: Please use Remedies after Proper Research and Guidance. You accept that you are following any advice at your...
remedy rely relieve refrigeration receiver rebellion railway radically rabbi protested propose promoting promoted prohibition progressed programing proclaim processed princess prayers praised posture portable poet's plasma planners pirates pip's piepsam permanently performers perceived perceive pepper pentagon pension...