Get the facts on severe fever treatment (in children and adults) and symptoms. Learn about causes of fever, home remedies to bring down a high fever, ways to prevent fever, and find out when to call a doctor.
Children with a fever who have signs and symptoms such asrash, sore throat, ear pain, stiff neck, drowsiness, fussiness, or headacheshould see a doctor. In addition, if a fever lasts more than one day in a child or toddler 2 years of age or under, or lasts more than three days in ...
Add the mixture to 2 cups of water and boil until you reduce the liquid by about half. Allow the mixture to cool before serving it. This should be consumed 3 times a day for a week. 3. Ginger Ahome remedy for UTIwhich is found in nearly every household or is easy to get a hold ...
Guava is another effective remedy for constipation. When eaten with seeds, it provides roughage to the diet and helps in the normal evacuation of the bowels. One or two guavas should be eaten daily. Grapes have proved to be very beneficial in overcoming constipation. The combination of the ...
But don't put undiluted cayenne in your mouth. Instead, dissolve it in water and rinse with it. Tea tree oil This natural substance is sometimes promoted as a toothache remedy. Evidence to back that up is sparse. It can reduce buildup on your teeth and gum inflammation. You can find ...
However, aspirin is one fever medication that should not be given to young children to avoid a rare but life-threatening condition called Reye’s syndrome. You may also use other OTC medications such as decongestants to relieve nasal andchest congestionas well as antihistamines to reduce respirato...
Individuals with toothaches should take these medications as directed for temporary relief prior to professional evaluation. Avoid very cold or hot foods because these may make the pain worse. A home remedy for pain relief is to bite on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. Clove oil is ...
gas troubles. You may prepare a simple paste of asafoetida with warm water, mix a pinch of it, and then gently apply the paste around the navel to help relieve the gas of the baby. This is among the best home remedies that can cure gas in babies, and it is an age-old remedy. ...
Camphor is a natural home remedy that will assist in getting rid of mosquitoes around your house or apartment. Its strong odor drives mosquitoes away. All you have to do is close all of the doors and then light camphor. After about 30 minutes, you’ll notice that you won’t find any ...
Chinese cabbage can clear heat, relieve toxicity, lower ministerial fire, purge the bowels, and remove old and hardened feces from the bowels. Boiled flower of cabbage can be taken to reduce fever! Taking more leafstalks benefit those with Yin deficiency and constipation. ...