Pepper:Pepper is used best as an antibacterial or antiviral remedy to treat sore throat and common cold. Runny nose and frequent sneezing can be easily stopped with pepper magic. Mix half spoon of pepper (grinded/powdered) to half glass of lukewarm water and drink it completely. You would fe...
Home Remedies For Runny Nose Ginger Ginger never fails to deliver when it comes to natural remedies. For sufferers of runny nose, just chew on small piece of ginger down your throat. Ginger will immediately make your body warm and helps in increasing the blood circulation in the body. Making...
Runny nose also known as rhinorrhea is a common symptom of the common cold and influenza. The mucous membrane lining situated inside the nose becomes irritated and inflamed and causes nasal discharges. Allergies, sinusitis, severe brain and head injuries
Share you favorite home remedy Keep us informed on any new warnings Share any horror stories you my have heard of dealing with side effects Read what other visitors have wrote Believe me, people will read what you have to say! We can all join together and give each other advice, encouragem...
13 Home Remedies for Bad Breath 1. Cinnamon This aromatic herb has the power to cover up bad odor by inhibiting bacterial growth. It cuts down the number of bacteria in your mouth through its antimicrobial properties. It contains cinnamic aldehyde, which is an active compound bond with bacteria...
5 Home Remedies for Winter Colds and Coughs Headache Types and Treatments Also, a rainy spring can cause rapid plant growth and lead to an increase inmold, which means your seasonal allergies could last well through summer. Pollen being breathed into the nose. Credit: Lightspring ...
No matter what your choose is, you need to apply the remedy you choose 3 to 4 times daily for at least a few days until you feel better about your hoarse throat. In fact, this is also one of the best home remedies for hoarseness that I would like to introduce in this entire ...
Vitamin Dis also great for building up your immune systemand fighting off sickness or keeping it away. It's also a nice mood-booster, especially in winter when you're not getting Vitamin D from the sun. Be sure to take it witha good K2, more about that here:What you MUST take if ...
It occurred tome that sneezing = histamine = dehydration and, so, thought that perhaps the 2 cup cure for indigestion and headache might work for that and, SO, to make a long story short, drinking a large glass of water stopped both the sneezing and the running nose. ...
Home Remedies and Natural Cures for Bad Breath Bad Breath Home Remedy Using Apple Cider Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar has recently been used as an effective mouthwash that provides long-lasting relief from bad breath. Simply dilute 1/2 tablespoon of the vinegar into a glass of water and gargle...