Acid reflux is defined by the burning pain occurring around the lower chest area. This occurs due to stomach acids that move up into the esophagus. Thispaincan worsen when you bend over or lie down. Severe acid reflux is related to gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Apart from burning ...
Some spices can help you relieve the pain and is a natural remedy for healing inflammation. Cayenne is powerful to treat headaches you should get at home. The reason is that cayenne is good in capsaicin, which is the primary element to reduce pain. Now you need to have ½ teaspoon of ...
10 Horrifying Things That Happen When You Sit Down For Too Long 7.8kViews DIY Home Remedies 10 Home Remedies For Shoulder Pain That Give Great Relief 9.3kViews DIY Home Remedies 10 Home Remedies For Neck Pain That Give Quick Relief
The pain in the throat is severe Symptoms don’t ease within 3-4 days A persistent high fever Difficulty in breathing, swallowing saliva or opening your mouth Read these related articles: 1.The Best Natural Remedies for Strep Throat 2.Natural Ways to Stay Free From Cold & Flu ...
remedies, like warm tea, Popsicles, saltwater gargles, honey (but not in children under 12 months old), a humidifier, and OTC sore throat products, to find relief while you recover. See a healthcare provider if you experience fever, difficulty swallowing, or severe pain along with swollen ...
Moreover, spending excessive time under the sun, especially without sunscreen, can result in a painful sunburn. The treatment for a sunburn depends on the degree of burn. While severe sunburns require medical treatment, you can manage mild sunburns with home-based interventions. ...
Technically referred to as a form of arthritis, gout affects millions of people leaving them miserable and in severe pain. The good news, however, is out of all the joint issues, gout seems to be the easiest to treat! Gout is inflammation in the joints from an accumulation of uric acid ...
Prolonged heartburn is one of the major symptoms of acidity. Acids from stomach regurgitate back into the esophagus and food pipe causing severe and prolonged heartburn. Chest and Stomach Pain Again, because of regurgitation of acids and improper digestion of food, people with acidity can experienc...
Sinus pain/to hopefully prevent sinus infection:There is alsoa combo remedyto help with sinus congestion and pain. More options:Arnicaas needed orSanguinariaorHepar Sulph. All of these are good to keep on hand just in case!(Remember I'm not a doctor, this is just what I'd do, so use...
Severe pain in the anus during a bowel movement Symptoms of other diseases in addition to constipation (for example, tiredness, fatigue, poor tolerance to cold weather may suggest the need to assess thyroid function for hypothyroidism, an underactive gland.) When to seek emergency medical care fo...