The sweet sticky stuff's been used as a topical burn salve for centuries. "Studies suggest it may work better than some antibiotic creams at speeding up healing, reducing infection, and minimizing pain," says Kathi Kemper, MD, author ofThe Holistic Pediatrician. Tip Skip this remedy during th...
ELIMINATE: Wheat, soy (except soy sauce is ok), corn, dairy (butter is often ok), alcohol (if using herbal tinctures, place in hot water to burn off the alcohol), caffeine, carbonated drinks, citrus, acidic or fermented foods, spicy or spicy hot foods, tomatoes, beans and lentils, ...
The best homemade remedy for burns is tumeric, apply tumeric paste on burn area to heal it naturally. Reply Editor's Picks Article Child Safety: Burns And Scalds Care Advice Infocenter articles How to treat a hot water burn How to treat a burn at home How to treat a burn blis...
These burns affect the second layer of the skin. It will appear with redness and can show the blisters too. If you put hot liquid or hot water, it will cause this type of burn. These second of burns will need a substitute to heal. It can be infected so its safe to consult a physi...
“A simple and harmless remedy for sunburn is to bathe the face in buttermilk.”–The Old Farmer’s Almanac,1898 Wash gently with soap and water and then apply the gel of an olderaloe veraleaf, splitting the leaf open lengthwise for the quantity required.See more about aloe vera’s soothi...
Can natural and herbal alternatives offer you real heartburn relief? What about lifestyle changes? Learn more from the experts at WebMD.
Looking for a natural cold remedy? Use these 12 tips from WebMD for fighting off a cold naturally.
and health. That is an amazing ingredient that women use in beauty tips and you should get this natural food at home to tighten your stomach. Baking soda can treat heartburn, make your teeth whiter, and help your skin nicer. You should prepare a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of bak...
Sun poisoning is caused when we are exposed to the sun for frequent and prolonged periods. The ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause damage to the skin and sometimes burn the skin, causing scars and blemishes that are not only unsightly, but also painf
Alkaline Foods to quickly restore balanceThese are especially effective if your body is too acid. How do you know? Ifacid reflux or indigestion or heartburnare a problem you need an alkaline balance. Snack on these foods for a quick, natural remedy. ...