I lived with this problem for a while until trying witch hazel. I mixed it with zinc oxide powder from the health food store which is another popular natural remedy and it worked! I would apply once or twice a day for 2-3 days and it would be pretty much entirely gone. It kept comi...
How can you tell if a dog has ear mites? There are a few symptoms of ear mites to watch for. Excessive scratching of the ears, head shaking, a strong odor, and a dark, coffee ground-like discharge in the ear canal are major signs. You may also notice other ear irritation symptoms,...
Home Remedies for Dog Scooting: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Home Remedies for Dog Scooting: Understanding the Causes and Effective Solutions Dog scooting is a common behavior among canines, characterized by dragging their hind end along the ground. While it may seem...
Hoarseness results in a parched throat that can even cause the severe bouts of irritation or coughing. Today, in this article, I will introduce some of the best home remedies for hoarseness in voice that are proven to work efficiently for relieving and eliminating this disease. The home ...
Don’t clear your throat as this may increase irritation in your throat and cause laryngitis pain and infections. Limit conversation.Don’t speak too loudly and have a long conversation. Give your voice some rest. Stop smokingand avoid smokers.This is clear that smoking harms your throat and ...
Skip this remedy during the first two days of developing a sunburn because it can trap heat and cause more discomfort. You also should avoid this method for babies younger than 12 months, as accidental ingestion of the honey could put them at risk fordeveloping infant botulism. ...
Natural Juniper Home Remedies:First and foremost, juniper is considered a purifying remedy. It is a diuretic that stimulates elimination of wastes from the body and is considered a detoxifying agent even beyond that basic function. This is particularly true for arthritis and gout, where juniper can...
Homeopathic Remedies For Dog Ear Infections You can also use homeopathic remedies to treat a dog ear infection. Choose the remedy below that best matches your dog’s symptoms. Use a 30C potency. Belladonna – Use Belladonna when the ears are very hot and...
This is a verycommon home treatmentfor different conditions, scabiesbeing only one of them. It will help to bring the dog's skin back to top health and has useful antiseptic properties. You can use a diluted boric acid solution to clean different areas, but works well to clean sensitive ar...
Dog Treat Cookie RecipeJuly 16, 2013Comments: 9 BANANA OAT COOKIES Bananasare high in potassium (great for muscle and blood vessel function), fiber (a handy home remedy for the occasional bout of doggy diarrhea or constipation) and magnesium (important for energy transport and protein building ...