Ankle Swelling & Pain Mix equal quantities of castor oil and lime juice. Massage the affected area with this mixture. Also drink 1 cup warm water mixed with lime juice and honey. Muscular Cramps Apply laung ka tel on the affected parts. ...
15 Best Home Remedies for Shoe Bites Many new pair of shoes causes shoe bites which is responsible for lots of pain and irritation. It takes away the fun of having a new pair of sandals or shoes. Ill-fitting or tight shoes rub against the back of your ankle skin. It causes soreness ...
The interim result of a multicenter prospective IRB-approved (Institutional Review Board) observational study has been presented during the annual meeting of the American College of Foot and Ankle surgery in February 2020 finding NoxyPure to be effective for treating Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy. ...
Ankle Pain Morton's Neuroma We specialize in themedical and surgical treatment of the foot in adults and children. Bunion Deformity Ingrown Toenails Heel Pain / Plantar Fasciitis Ankle Sprain Haglund’s Deformity Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome Achilles Tendonitis ...
Home Remedies Bitter gourd is a well known remedy for diabetes. Try to eat this vegetable often. Consuming a tablespoon of fresh bitter gourd juice regularly is effective in reducing sugar levels in blood and urine. Chew ten leaves each of basil, bael and neem early in the morning and ...
Apart from the above mentioned natural remedies, the patient can go for electric stimulation or surgery. A soft massage on the point of kidneys and bladder gives relief from spasm. Soaking the pelvis region in a hot water tub gives relief from pain. Electric stimulation relaxes the bladder and...
Sciatica is usually described as a sharp, shooting or burning pain, which radiates down the back towards the foot or ankle. Most attacks occur when the discs that cushion the bones of the spine begin to bulge or move out of position (known as 'slipping'), pressing on the nerve and trigg...
Knee pain is very irritating as it restricts the movement of the body making us unable to walk, bend or kneel on them. The pain may be caused due to an injury of the ligaments, bursae, or tendons around the knee joint or due to arthritis, dislocated knee
Baking soda is also a useful one among home remedies for spider bites on legs, arms, ankle, and eyelid. This alkaline substance can aid a lot in drawing out the venom, which will help to relieve inflammation, itching, and pain.
Heel Pain Ankle Pain Bunions Morton's Neuroma Achilles Tendonitis Tarsal Tunnel Haglund's Deformity Ankle Sprain Arthritis Athletic Injuries Toe Surgery Regenerative Medicine We specialize in the medical and surgical treatment of the foot in adults and children. Heel Pain/Spurs Bunio...