So it helps if we know which questions to ask, which signs to look for and which things to test or investigate in our attempt to narrow down what’s actually going wrong in the child’s system.The remedies below can be used by children or adults, but I’m going to talk on behalf ...
The cause for many abdominal ailments is a sluggish gut. Probiotic food like yogurt helps keep the gut healthy, providing it with active bacteria that can get the digestive system running smoothly. It is one of best indian home remedies for stomach pain for child Hope this list of home remed...
Natural remedies are, by their very nature, generally safe. However, any of us may have unknown allergies, may be taking drugs or consuming other foods and supplements that might interact strangely, or the remedy itself may be dangerous in larger doses or with continued use. ...
and has also been prevalent in homeopathic medicine and home remedies for years. Native American’s used sage long before modern medicine to help cleanse the mouth, and to heal the painful ulcers that we now know as canker sores.
As a potent diuretic with antifungal and specific cleansing effects on the body, juniper berries provide a more intensely therapeutic natural medicine than some of our other home remedies. Natural Juniper Home Remedies: First and foremost, juniper is considered a purifying remedy. It is a diuretic...
If your dog has occasional or frequent episodes of acute diarrhea, or you found blood in your dog's stool, I am glad you’re reading this article. As a dog parent myself, I understand your concern, and want to share a series of proven home remedies for dog diarrhea...
the most common culprit is diverticulitis of the colon. This is a complication of diverticulosis, a condition in which small pouches develop on the lining of your intestines. When these pouches become inflamed (a condition calleddiverticulitis), you’ll likely have severe abdominal pain. Irritable ...
Leave your words at the comment section to let us know what you think about the topic of home remedies for abdominal pain. We will reply all soon! 12. Eat Yogurt Yogurt contains good bacteria that go in your intestines. This dairy product creates lactic acid in the intestines and protects...