Home remedies, natural cures and information on causes, symptoms and diet conditions for common ailments and diseases. Also provides information on health benefits from common ingredients like honey, garlic, aloe vera and many others.
Certain bruises, a pattern of bruises over time, and in various stages of healing may alert a doctor to the possibility of physical abuse. What NaturalHome RemediesRelieve Pain and Treat Bruises? The treatment for a bruise is most effective right after the injury while the bruise is still red...
Alway remember to consult with a Healthcare Professional before using Natural Remedies, especially if you have underlying conditions. YOUR NATURAL MEDICINE CHEST What to Keep in your Medicine Chest Arnica Keep a tube of this cream for relief for muscle strains as well as bruises. ...
8 Effective Home Remedies for Bug Bites 1. Honey Download FREE Recipe Ebooks for Babies & Toddlers For more than a hundred years, honey has been a popular treatment for bruises and rashes. Apply one small drop over the bitten area – it will help in reducing the temptation to scratch the ...
图书ABC's of Bumps & Bruises, a Guide to Home & Herbal Remedies for Children 介绍、书评、论坛及推荐
Anis is good home remedy for breath refreshening, for digestion and calming stomach pain.Arnica - Arnica Montana. - Arnica has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities, it helps to reduce pain, swelling and improves the healing.Avocado - The avocado lowers the sugar level in the blood an...
Find free home remedies and natural cures for people and pet ailments. Also find remedies for household problems.
Natural home remedies for dogs and cats, including: getting rid of fleas, caring for dry skin, treating cuts and bruises, soothing arthritis, getting rid of skunk smell, and more.
Just because bruises happen doesn’t mean you need to live with them for weeks. Theseremedies can give your body the boostit needs to clear away the metabolic waste andclear your skinfaster than ever for beautiful legs and arms you can be proud to bear. ...
Dial Herbs has created an excellent line of oils using the natural herbs and cold pressed olive oil. The liniment is one of the best remedies for any type of muscle or tendon stress or tension. Salves Dial Herbs salves are combinations of herbal oils, cold pressed olive oil and beeswax ...