Acidity is also known by the name of heartburn, pyrosis, and even acid indigestion. Often, it is a burning sensation in the chest that can be irritating and quite intolerable. The sensation, oftentimes, is just behind the breastbone or in the epigastrium. The burning sensation can be radi...
What are acidity and gas? Acidity and gas is a medical condition that is caused by excessive production of acid in the digestive tract. The... November 27, 2016 How to How to stop hives from itching: 15 home remedies What are hives? Hives are usually caused by an allergic reaction and...
Home Remedies For Hyperacidity Cardamom Banana Gooseberry Cinnamon Basil Leaves Clove Buttermilk Ginger Cold Milk Mint Leaves Fennel Cumin SeedsHyperacidity is a condition in which the stomach produces excess amount of acid. Hyperacidity causes symptoms like stomach pain, gas, heartburn, ulcer and nau...
Home remedies and herbal concoctions can also help, but you should exercise some amount of caution and healthy skepticism when using these remedies, as not all of them are scientifically proven. Here are some tips and remedies for gastritis:...
If you condition is caused as a result of some other disorder or disease however, you will need medical attention and treatment for the underlying condition. In most other circumstances, home remedies for hyperacidity and heartburn should suffice: ...
Hoarse throat, or hoarseness, can be caused by several different reasons, and this is not a serious health condition which is hard to cure at all, especially while there are currently a variety of home remedies proven useful for this issue. You can also use over-the-counter medicines to ...
NATURAL HOME REMEDIES FOR INDIGESTION Indigestionor dyspepsia is a condition of the stomach in which digestive juices are not secreted properly and results in discomfort. This condition is mainly the result of consumption of variety of foodstuffs. Acidity, heartburn, gas problems can be considered ...
Green teais great for your oral health as it can fight the odor-producing bacteria in your mouth. It can even prevent cavities by lowering the level of acidity and bacteria in your mouth. Drink green tea daily two or three times to make sure that you do not suffer from bad breath anymo...
Upset stomach or gas Home remedy honey taken with cinnamon powder cures stomach discomfort and may also clear ulcers for some. Indigestion? Take two tablespoons of honey sprinkled with cinnamon powder before eating to relieve acidity and to digest a heavy meal. ...
Natural Home Remedies for Common Ailments like Acidity, Acne, Dandruff, Hairfall, Grey hair, Warts, Piles etc...