Finally, a way for me to get great workouts in and not leave my family when I get home from a long day. I really enjoy the exercise and having apersonal trainer in Lancastermeet me at home really saves me time and is so convenient. I can feel the progress, and I look forward to ...
Built a "TV Typewriter" from Don Lancasters book for TV graphics. Kept adding features till I had a small computer. Later used Ohio Scientific C1P programmed in BASIC 1972 - My second Solar eclipse on July 10, 1972 - Prince Edwards Island - Visited Ann of Green Gables house. Obtained...
It is a cool and rainy day here in NE, Ohio. I love this time of year, and my house is decorated for fall. I have our all season tree lit, with candy corn lights, and the fireplace is burning…it is electric, but it sets the mood. I also had some accidental pumpkins this year...