代码 HTML <code><pclass="HomepageAnonHeaderHero_line1-r+tWR"><spanclass="HomepageAnonHeaderHero_cy-JVLez">.rect</span><span>{</span></p><br><pclass="HomepageAnonHeaderHero_line2-j1x2U"><spanclass="HomepageAnonHeaderHero_cp-23ozZ">background</span><span>:</span><spanclass="Homepa...
.home-page{ height: 100vh; justify-content: flex-end; .btn:hover { filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2em var(--primary-color)); } &-btn-group{ margin-bottom: 25vh; justify-content: center; .btn + .btn{ margin-left: 16px; } } } /** Footer */ .footer{ border-top: solid 1px var...
Передначаломработысделайтефоркпенана [https://codepen.io/Netology/pen/OBNRZB](https://codepen.io/Netology/pen/OBNRZB?editors=1100#0).Вноситеизменениявовкладках HTML и CSS. ### Внимание: Об...
accessible, and visually stunning web applications primarly using React, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML. With experience contributing to world-class websites serving billions of users globally, I excel at crafting seamless user experiences and driving best practices in accessibility, design systems,...
Professional Website Built with WordPress (PHP, JS, HTML, CSS) Click here to view website… 02. Fun Interactive JavaScript Webpage This is a project built on from an idea found on CodePen and decided to built on top of it to build this interactive, space-inspired, webpage. Click “Hel...
css html webdev watercooler After the terrible reception great success of my first post with Bad CSS-Dad Jokes, I am here to torture entertain you with more terrible amazing CSS jokes. Enjoy! Continue reading › the article Bad CSS-Dad Jokes (II) Contact Me Name (required) Email (...
amandafoundation.org Squarespace Web Design (S)CSS JavaScript View WebsiteRead More Füdtruk Lehigh Valley's Freshest Food Truck ✕ (Note: Because of COVID, they've taken down the site I've developed in place of a COVID disclaimer page).The FüdTruk was a mobile culinary unit on Lehigh...
With great attention to detail, usingHTML,CSS,SVGandJS, I will convert your designs into an accessible, interactive, engaging and performant website. I have experience with, Static site generators like Astro, 11ty, Gatsby etc. Singe-page Apps and server rendered Multi-page Apps using libraries...
本文转自:http://www.yeahzan.com/fa/facss.html 引用方式: class="fa fa-home" 注意:每个图标的引用都必须要添加 fa fa-x 两个class 4.1新加入的71种图标 fa-automobile fa-child fa-circle-o-notch fa-circle-thin fa-codepen fa-cube
Basic HTML and HTML5 Basic CSS Projects:Tribute Page,Survey Form,Product Landing Page,Technical Documentation Page,Personal Portfolio Webpage 2. JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification Roman Numeral Converter,Caesar's Cipher,Telephone Number Validator,Cash Register ...