為您提供的智慧家庭產品系列完全支援 HomeKit,您可以使用您喜愛的蘋果裝置,如 iPhone/iPad/Apple Watch/Homepod,來控制和監控您的智慧家庭設備。
HomeKit lets people securely control connected accessories in their homes using Siri or the Home app on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.
HomeKit control for Control Center in iOS HomeKit App Review: HomePass How to Setup a home in Apple’s Home app How to Add & Remove Accessories in Apple’s Home app HomeKit Product Review: ConnectSense Smart Outlet How to Factory Reset Incipio Smart Outlet ...
After allowing time for everything to reboot and settle down, I found that the 7 recalcitrant accessories were all properly online and responding. The apparent implication of this is that either the HomePod Mini, or the HomePod Mini working in conjunction with the Apple TV, prevents the Home s...
1.从米家到 HomeKit,你只需要一个树莓派 2.普通家具变智能 用Siri声控家里电器 他们写的非常详细,...
Let people communicate with and control connected accessories in their home using your app. With the HomeKit framework, you can provide ways to configure accessories and create actions to control them.
HomeKit accessories can connect directly with iCloud to enable iOS devices to control the accessory when Bluetooth or Wi-Fi communication isn't available. iCloud remote access has been carefully designed so that accessories can be controlled and send notifications without revealing to Apple what the...
HomeKit兼容产品介绍页面:https://www.apple.com/ios/home/accessories/ 然而,该页面现在不再包括门铃产品类别,向下滚动显示所有提到的8月门铃已被删除。 August Smart Lock则还保留在页面上,并可从Apple购买。 有趣的是,门铃类别仍然存在于Apple的英国页面上,而August Doorbell Cam则标记为“已发布”,但实际上无法...
My HomeKit home has 60-ish accessories and quite a few scenes & automations. I have an Apple TV 4K (MP7P2LL/A, OS v16) and a HomePod Mini (MY5H2LL/A, OS v16) configured as home hubs. If the HomePod Mini is the active hub and the Apple TV is standby, all accessories are ...
homekit包含5个层级关系,Homes,Rooms,Accessories,Services,Zones。如下表: 3.2 类 HMAccessory:一个HMAccessory对象代表一个家庭自动化配件,比如车库门遥控开关或者一个恒温器。 HMAccessoryBrowser:一个HMAccessoryBrowser对象是一个用来发现新附属配件的网络浏览器。