Dee Follett has not seen a flower for half a century. She does not hear the bees. For her, summer is just another season of imagination. Dee is both blind and deaf, but each year she tries something no one else would dream. We found her driving a car. Small Town Singers with Big ...
this is a malignant neoplasm that has largely effaced the kidney and has metastatic potential. Although the tumor appears completely excised, moderate atypia, frequent mitosis, tissue invasion and vascular invasion warranted a guarded to poor prognosis. Close clinical follow-up for possible recurrence...
The widespread distress following the revolutionary period, and the plight of debtors, had called forth in the States an ignoble array of legislative schemes for the defeat of creditors and the invasion of contractual obligations. Legislative interferences had been so numerous and extreme that the con...
Note. TECH COMP = parcel of techno-complexity; TECH INV = parcel of techno-invasion; TECH OVER = parcel of techno-overload; C1 = item 1 of the latent variable organizational communication; C2 = item 2 of the latent variable organizational communication; C3 = item 3 of the latent variable...