auto insurance In today's economy, many motorists are reasonably concerned about the cost of auto insurance. That's why you need a trusted auto insurance expert to sort out exactly what you can afford to cut, and determine what coverage is absolutely vital to you. ...
The best home warranty companies have excellent coverage, customer service, and plans at an affordable price. Here are the top nine and why they made the cut.
Ricardo Lara, California’s insurance commissioner, will be trying to dissuade companies that provide insurance coverage to millions of homeowners from fleeing the state. Citing heavy losses from disastrous wildfires and the potential for more destruction in the future, the largest insurers,...
Property Damage: When your home or personal belongings are damaged after a fire, storm, or other covered peril, your California homeowners insurance policy will pay to repair or replace what you’ve lost. Your homeowners insurance policy limit should be enough to rebuild your California home if ...
Homeowners in California are well aware of the risks the state poses. While it’s mostly sunshine, California has its own set of dangers that can threaten a family’s home. With the right California home insurance policy, you and your family can rest easily knowing you’re covered in case...
When a home insurance claim involves a crime, such as theft or vandalism, it’s important that you get the police involved. Contact your local police department to find out how you can file a police report. While the police may not find the perpetrator of the crime, they can help gather...
If, though, it turns out that your insurance agent is charging you less you can take that as a good sign that you have been well taken care of over the years, but may still want to compare what it is you are being offered for this lower price. ...
State Farm is no longer accepting applications for homeowners insurance in California, citing wildfire risks and the skyrocketing cost of construction. Leslie Scism, a news editor covering all things insurance-related for the Wall Street Journal, has more.May 30, 2023...
Insurance policies typically cover incident-based damage to pools, such as if a tree falls on the pumping system. On the other hand, a warranty plan will likely cover the pumping system if it fails due to normal wear and tear. Does a home warranty cover the wear and tear of my pool?
Farmers sells homeowners insurance in 48 U.S. states. The company stopped writing new policies in California and Florida last year because of concerns related to severe weather events — primarily earthquakes and hurricanes. However, it still services existing policies in both states.Farmers Home ...