Find out how many house fires happen, how often a burglar strikes, and other safety facts and stats—plus tips to stay safer.
Home presents alarming statistics and facts about the current state of our planet, urging viewers to take action to address these pressing issues. One of the key messages of Home is the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. It emphasizes that every living organism is part of a complex and...
People Over Profits, Always. The health and well-being of your loved ones is our top priority. Elder Guide will never give a provider a higher grade due to that provider paying us a commission. Most websites and advisors in the senior living space, can't make this promise because it hur...
LetsGetChecked relies on three C’s in ensuring that patients can receive a sexual health screening as quickly and efficiently as possible from the comfort of their home. We offer convenience, cost effectiveness and total confidentiality for those who don’t have time to stop. Our goal at Le...
Children with complex congenital heart disease are less active than recommended for optimal health, with social and physical environments important determinants. The purpose of this study was to examine the physical activity perceptions of children with complex congenital heart disease and their parents to...
Homeschool Facts was originally created by a group including homeschooling parents, licensed educators, counselors and researchers who were all passionate about the idea of “choice” in relation to K-12 education, especially as related to a parent’s right to choose the structure and format of ...
Health nutrition and home business global network marketing; work from home & myriad of information on health, anti aging weather & world news
This qualitative study investigated home health aides’ perspectives toward mental health and well-being and how their job influences these areas of life.
There are several common myths about home health care. In addition to being inaccurate, these misconceptions can be dangerous if they keep people from getting the care they need. Here are a few home health care myths, along with the facts. ...
Differences emerged between medical professionals and the lay public regarding the use of language and involvement of patients in the videos. Text was regarded as a better medium for conveying some types of information, such as simple facts that might need to be consulted on a regular basis.doi...