IntroductionThe intense and rapid aging of the Italian population during the last century has...Federici, A.Palanca, R.Universitatea din PitestiJournal of Physical Education and Sport
Additionally, for lower limb muscle mass (p Discussion The aim of the present study was to develop a tele-exercise program that would enable real-time interactions between exercise instructors and elderly people still dwelling in their homes and investigate its effects on the improvement of body ...
Effect of a home-based exercise program on functional recovery following rehabilitation after hip fracture: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2014;311(7):700-708. doi:10.1001/jama.2014.469ArticlePubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 11. ATS Committee on Proficiency Standards for Clinical Pulmonary Function ...
Having the best home accessories is about more than just comfort or safety – it’s also important for feeling independent. This piece will highlight top-notch items that not only ensure safer daily routines but also add some joy to the everyday lives of elderly folks. Ergonomic Furniture for...
Then, two-day educational workshops were held for the RNs and PSWs separately, supplemented by an eight-hour training workshop for the PSWs in the delivery of the Home Support Exercise Program [105]. Once the workshops were completed, the intervention was implemented using a multifaceted approach...
This clinical condition, more prevalent in older people [4], is asymptomatic until the moment when the first manifestation associated with a low impact trauma appears, often causing a fragility fracture [8], so reducing the risk of falls is crucial. Approximately 1/3 of the elderly aged 65 ...
Senior citizens have increased plasma glucose and a higher risk of diabetes-related complications than young people. However, it is difficult to diagnose and manage elderly diabetics because there is no clear symptom according to current diagnostic crite
Cubii Total Body: Smart Seated Elliptical:I had a pleasant experience using this mini elliptical and could see it being handy for those recovering from an injury, the elderly or users with certain physical limitations. It's not heavy, and it's easy to move around on its wheels. I broke ...
This randomized trial compares the effects of comfortable low-intensity home-based walking exercise vs high-intensity exercise sufficient to elicit
The 14 German occupational therapists with a minimum of one year's experience in the treatment of people who are cognitively impaired, undertook a 16 hours post-graduate skills training course and exercise their skills in training on the job for about 35 hours within the WHEDA pilot phase. The...