" drywall screws to attach it to the platform, and at the other end to bit into the ice. However, be warned that the screws somehow scraped up the tips of my boots when riding. I didn't notice the scrapes until after, but later I intend to swap out the screws for snowmobile studs...
This will bring the xps to the depth of the rafters, and I wanted to install ½” xps to the inside of the room studs for thermal bridging and install the drywall over the foam. ( XPS on the room side of the stud will act as a vapor retarder to an extent here which I was ...
Before I put up the insulation I put up a few wall studs, but I put them in the horizontal [instead of the vertical]. I then cut down the rigid foam board to fit between them. And if you use 3/8" bead board like I do then you only need two along the interior; one about 1'...
This project took me about two weeks of trial and error to complete. I spent about $85 total in materials. Most of which I got at Home Depot. When I was looking to purchase a new traditional dog sled, the average price I was finding was around the $300-$350 mark (shipping included)...