此次更新规范了装箱单、运输标签及标牌的格式、内容和生成流程,确保符合Home Depot的合规要求。 自Home Depot通知更新发货规范后,牵一发而动全身,原本打通的系统因为发货流程的改变而不得不做新的接口,特别是对主做Home Depot店铺,且使用第三方海外仓的卖家而言,供应链系统的自动化受到了较大的影响。 https://www...
aHello – I am sending this email to communicate a balance due to The Home Depot in the amount of $1,008,530. I have attached a spreadsheet of the open items that make up this balance. I have also included the SKU level details for the returned product, located on the second tab. ...