The general protocol for vomiting or diarrhea is to fast for a minimum of 12 to 24 hours, but puppies and small dogs should not fast for more than 12 hours—usually, just overnight will suffice. If you own a small dog or young puppy and you want to fast him for 12 hours, rubbing ...
cause discomfort, itching, and swelling due to inflamed veins in the rectum and anus. They often result fromstraining during bowel movements, chronic constipation, prolonged sitting, and even parasitic infections. While conventional treatments exist, many people turn tonatural remedies for hemorrhoid ...
Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine based on the principal that “like cures like” (homeo = same, pathos = illness). This means that a medicine that can induce particular symptoms in a healthy person can be used to treat those same symptoms in a sick person or animal. The...
you had better spend a little time going to our mainHome Remediespage. After reading the writing of top 14 natural home remedies for burning feet, we all hope that you have already learned some useful treatments to get rid of the symptoms effectively and quickly at home. However, the writin...
It’s interesting that we automatically give periodic parasite cleanses to our animals: dogs, cats, horses, and so forth, but we don’t even have any help for humans. In fact, the same medication given to dogs every month that you can buy at any feed store or pharmacy for $5 is hu...
OK, RADIATION POISONING CAN BE TREATED WITH A SAFE AND NATURAL VERSION OF CHLOROQUIN THAT ALSO CURES MALARIA AND TUBERCULOSIS. (And if a secondary infection like strep or pneumonia exists, add an antibiotic and zinc) We’ll cover that herein, and that’s the VERY GOOD NEWS of this post!
The oil can remain on tool handles and clothing for as long as a year. Dogs and cats can carry its potency on their fur. This is why you can come down with a rash without seeing poison ivy for months. Multiple exposures may make people more sensitive to the oily resin urushiol. If ...