Home remedies, natural cures and information on causes, symptoms and diet conditions for common ailments and diseases. Also provides information on health benefits from common ingredients like honey, garlic, aloe vera and many others.
Sinus pain/to hopefully prevent sinus infection:There is alsoa combo remedyto help with sinus congestion and pain. More options:Arnicaas needed orSanguinariaorHepar Sulph. All of these are good to keep on hand just in case!(Remember I'm not a doctor, this is just what I'd do, so use...
Nasal congestion and sinus pressure caused by colds and other passing infections usually clear up within a few days. Symptoms caused by allergies or other airborne irritants can come and go. While you're waiting for relief, you may be able to tame symptoms with some nonprescription remedies. ...
We Fix Chronic Sinus Problems. Dr. Atkins has been doing sinuplasty longer and published more research on the topic than any surgeon in Texas.
I like to think of Real Food as a metaphor for health, it’s all encompassing. Real Food is what feeds you: body, mind and soul. About mE Let's stay connected about your health journey. Sign up now for everything you need to know, from delicious & healthy recipes to how to hack...
Prevention for the Common Cold Most-Asked Questions About Common Cold Final Word The common cold refers to a group of upper respiratory symptoms such as a stuffed nose, throat congestion, and cough. It is caused by a number of viral infections. ...
5 Natural Home Remedies for a Sore Throat Home Remedies for Spring Allergies Not only do warm liquids soothe the body and soul, but also they loosen congestion by increasing mucus flow and preventing dehydration. This is why chicken soup has long been a home remedy. Yes, it works! We recom...
Sinus congestion, flue, colds or asthma.Hot water, sipped slowly, warms up the sinus cavity and allows cold, flue or allergy waste drainage to occur naturally, without meds or drugs. Another home remedy uses a"nettie pot,"an Ayurveda cup with a spout that is used to flush out the sinu...
Acts as an antihistamine which will aid in the symptoms of sinus congestion, circulatory problems, and bronchitis. Tea made from this plant acts as an antiseptic, removes plaque from arteries, helps in the building of nerve tissue, heals ulcers, regulate thyroid levels, helps dissolve cysts and...
brands are Afrin (oxymetazoline), Dristan Nasal Spray (oxymetazoline), and certain Zicam products such as Zicam Intense Sinus Relief (oxymetazoline). However, they should not be used for more than a few days at a time since overuse can sometimes lead to rebound swelling and nasal congestion.10...